

Plan now to watch or attend the Gospel Outreach Search and Rescue mission rally coming to the College Place Village Church on September 27 & 28.

John Bradshaw, president of “It Is Written,” will speak Friday evening as well as during the Sabbath worship service and at the Sabbath afternoon rally.

And don’t miss inspiring music by Fountainview Academy students as they present a mini concert Friday evening plus special music during the Sabbath worship service and at the Sabbath afternoon rally.

The afternoon rally will also feature a visit from leaders of the work in India and frontline mission reports from the 10/40 Window with Gospel Outreach regional directors.

Please join us (all times listed are Pacific Time):

September 27, 7p
Fountainview Academy with music, including:

  • At Calvary
  • Your Grace Still Amazes Me
  • The Love of God
  • Ancient Words
  • The Old Rugged Cross
  • Champion of Love
  • My Redeemer Is Faithful and True
  • I Pledge Allegiance to the Lamb

John Bradshaw’s message “The Lost Sheep”

September 28, 10:50a
Worship service with John Bradshaw’s message “Follow the Leader” and song service with Fountainview Academy

September 28, 3:30p
Afternoon rally with thrilling mission reports, a special guest from India, John Bradshaw’s message “The Unlikeliest Believers” and Fountainview Academy with music

Frontline mission reports and more

In addition to uplifting messages from John Bradshaw and inspiring music with Fountainview Academy students, Gospel Outreach regional directors will share recent news of how God is moving in the mission field through Bible workers sponsored by GO donors.

All this and much, much more. Please reserve Sept. 27 & 28 on your calendar, and join us in discovering ways to help fulfill the Great Commission in 2024 and beyond.

About Gospel Outreach

Gospel Outreach is a Great Commission organization fully dedicated to extending the international ministry of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in unreached areas of the world–with a special emphasis on the 10/40 Window.

The 10/40 Window is an area of the world located between 10 and 40 degrees north latitude. It stretches from North Africa eastward to include the Middle East, India, the Philippines and numerous surrounding countries. An estimated 97 percent of people unreached by the gospel live in the 10/40 Window, making it the final frontier for mission outreach.

Gospel Outreach exists to raise awareness of the 10/40 Window and to raise funds to support indigenous Bible workers there–people reaching their own people for Jesus.

Rally location

College Place Village Church
715 SE 12th St.
College Place, WA 99324

[ map ]

Meeting countdowns & livestream links

Join us in person or online.








September 27

Friday, 7 p.m., PT

Join us at the College Place Village Church for a Friday evening concert with Fountainview Academy, followed by a message from John Bradshaw.








September 28

Sabbath, 10:50 a.m., PT

John Bradshaw speaking at the Village Church worship hour.








September 28

Sabbath, 3:30 p.m., PT

The afternoon rally program includes music with Fountainview Academy, a keynote message from John Bradshaw, frontline mission reports from Gospel Outreach regional directors, and much more. Stay after the program for fellowship time in the foyer.


Adventures in Missions

Travel in your imagination to faraway countries where few have heard the story of Jesus. Meet Bible workers there who are reaching people for the kingdom. Read thrilling stories of miracles and lives changed by God. It’s all in the riveting pages of Adventures in Missions.

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